1 SEPTEMBER 2020 · 9:30 AM – 6:30 PM
2 SEPTEMBER 2020 · 9:30 AM – 6:30 PM
3 SEPTEMBER 2020 · 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM
MOC Munich | Halls 1 – 4 Ground Floor
Lilienthalallee 40
D – 80939 Munich
by Munich Fabric Start Exhibitions GmbH
+49 (0)89 45 22 47 0
04-06 Şubat 2020 tarihleri arasında gerçekleştirilen ve 30 ülkeden 350 ye yakın iş insanın katıldığı Münich Fabric Start’a MİLL KUMAŞ TEKSTİL SANAYİ VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ olarak biz de yerimiz aldık.
With FABRIC DAYS, the organisers of Munich Fabric Start offer a business focused, condensed trade event for the industry, which enables efficient working under the new, changed conditions. More than 300 international suppliers present their new developments of some 800 collections from the fields of FABRICS, ADDITIONALS, DENIM, PRINTS and MANUFACTURING during the three-day fair.
As the textile industry’s first event for the return to business, FABRIC DAYS will take place from 1 – 3 September 2020 in Halls 1 – 4 on the ground floor of the MOC Munich.
Taking into account the current safety and hygiene measures, visitors can find out about the latest developments and trends from international suppliers for the season Autumn.Winter 21/22.
Please find here detailled information about the FABRIC DAYS Concept and the Safety and Hygiene Concept:
Find an overview of the stand allocation with all attending suppliers in our hall map. Kindly note that the allocation planning may be subject to some minor changes due to the current situation. The final hall map will be provided a few days prior to the show.
The latest developments and information of the FABRIC DAYS can be seen in our official press release. Please do not hesitate to contact us in case of any further questions.
The FABRIC DAYS TREND FORECAST informs about the latest trends and colours for the Autumn.Winter 21/22 season under the motto HOPETIMISM.
Discover the 5 trend themes in a new format adapted to the changed circumstances. The TREND FORECAST booklet combines a mix of fashion trends, sustainability and innovation with impressions from art, culture, architecture & design.
The 5 trend themes are inspired by 6 categories and described on the basis of these. The booklet is completed by expressive colour compositions which filter the main colours with the corresponding accent colours (including Pantone references).
Get your TREND FORECAST now for 25,00 EUR
We look forward to welcoming you as a visitor to FABRIC DAYS, the first trade event of the textile industry. The FABRIC DAYS will take place from 1 – 3 September 2020 in Halls 1 – 4 on the ground floor of the MOC Munich. You can order your visitor ticket via your visitor account under the following link. Please download and save your digital ticket. In order to respect the current infection measures we have adapted the check-in and ticketing process on site to a contactless, digital scanning process. You will therefore no longer receive a pick-up ticket by mail prior to the show.
Detailed information on hygiene and safety measures at the fair, travel directions and hotels for your stay as well as an overview about the exhibiting suppliers including a hall map will follow here shortly.